Rejestracja w grupie jednoczesne zgłoszenie 3 par lub grupy 6 osób z min, 3 liderami lub więcej (tj. 2 Panie i 4 Panów, 1 Pani i 5 Panów, 6 Panów, spowoduje otrzymanie bezpłatnego uczestnictwa dla jednej osoby spośród zgłoszonych. Podczas rejestracji należy podać nazwiska osób z grupu. Wpłaty wnoszone są łączne przez jedną osobę z grupy (całość za grupę): Rejestrując się na festiwal opłacasz tylko uczestnictwo.

Warunki rejestracji, płatności i rezygnacji

Wysyłając formularz rejestracyjny na Vratislavia Tango Festiwal na rok 2023 zgadzasz się na przetwarzanie przez Fundację Vratislavia Tango  Twoich danych osobowych zawartych w formularzu.

Informacje RODO

W przypadku wątpliwości związanych z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych każda osoba może zwrócić się do Fundacji z prośbą o udzielenie informacji. Niezależnie od powyższego każdemu przysługuje prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego – Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych.

Festival Regulations / GDPR

General provisions

    Vratislavia Tango Festival, hereinafter referred to as the "festival", is an event organized by the Vratislavia Tango Festival Foundation with its seat in Wrocław,36 M.C. Skłodowskiej Str. Flat 12, KRS 0000937885, hereinafter referred to as the Foundation.

    Place of the event: La Rosa Negra ul. Braniborska 14 we Wrocławiu

    Duration of the event: 13-15/06/2025

    The festival program is available on the official website of the event:

    The provisions of these regulations are an integral part of the registration for the Marathon and apply to each participant throughout the event.

How to register

    Fill out the application form located at:

    You will receive an automatic message confirming your registration, which is not tantamount to being accepted into the festival.

    You can register as a pair or solo.

    When registering in a pair, your partner fills in the form independently.

    Remember that pair submissions are processed first.

    By registering for the festival, you pay only for participation.

    The cost of participation depends on the date of your registration.

    Provide data in the form that can be confirmed with your ID card when you first appear at the event.

    Registration is made for the entire event.

Registration, payment and cancellation conditions

    Within 14 days of registration, we will send an e-mail about the acceptance of participation and payment conditions.

    After making a payment of 100% of the festival costs, you become a full participant of the festival.

    Cancellation of an event (festival). In this case, we propose three solutions: 1. Withdrawal from participation and shifting it to another person and informing the organizer about it: (this person should register via the application form and pay for participation in the event). 2. Transferring the fee to the next date of the event (no need to re-register). 3. Reimbursement of the participation fee (the amount depends on the costs of organizing the event), not more than 70% of the payment.

    We will make a refund to the account indicated by you within 14 days of notification.

    The Foundation does not bear the costs of bank commissions, card payments or currency conversion.

    Resignation from the event is possible up to 30 days before its implementation, i.e. until  12/05/2025. After this date, it is not possible to resign from the event, and thus no refund.

Rules applicable during the festival

    The first time you enter the festival building, you will receive a wristband.

    The band entitles you to participate in the event, wearing it during the entire event is obligatory.

    Each participant of the festival is obliged to follow the rules of personal culture and social norms.

    Aggressive people or under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances will not be allowed to enter the festival area.

    Smoking is prohibited in the entire festival facility.

Liability of the Foundation

    The Foundation is responsible for the proper and program-compliant course of the festival.

    If the event does not take place for reasons attributable solely to the Foundation, the Foundation will return the entire amount paid by the participant to the bank account indicated by the participant within 7 working days from the date of the event.

    In the event does not take place for reasons beyond the Foundation's control, e.g. pandemic, fire, natural disaster, etc., the participant is not entitled to compensation or reimbursement of any fees related to participation in the Festival. All payments will be transferred to the next edition, and participants will be informed by e-mail.

    The Foundation is not responsible for any damage to the health of the participant, which was caused by the actions of other participants.

    Participants bear full financial responsibility for property damage they have caused on the festival grounds.

    The Foundation is not responsible for the participants' belongings that may be lost, damaged or stolen during the Festival.

Final Provisions

        The Foundation reserves the right to introduce changes to the regulations and program of the event.

        The Foundation reserves the right to remove a person violating the Regulations from the festival venue without the right to return to the festival site or to demand reimbursement of any expenses incurred in connection with participation in the event, including participation fees.

        Any disputes that may arise from participation in the Festival will be settled by the court competent for the seat of the Foundation.

        The regulations are available on the website and during the festival - at the entrance to the event area.

        In matters not covered by the Regulations, the provisions of the Polish Civil Code shall apply.

        The Regulations come into force on the day of announcement and are valid until the official end of the event by the Foundation.

By submitting the registration form for the Vratislavia Tango Festival 2025, you consent to the processing of your personal data contained in the form by the Vratislavia Tango Foundation